Welcome In-Room Amenity for Attendees
Exclusive - $3,000
(Co-Sponsored $1,500 Each, Limit 3)
Welcome attendees with a surprise gift in their room. Each guest, staying at the convention hotel, will receive a gift delivered to their room to enhance their conference experience. Sponsors may include a welcome message or invitation promoting activities at their booth. TSSA will arrange the delivery of the items through the hotel staff. The fee for the delivery is included in the sponsorship. The sponsor is responsible for securing the items and providing them to TSSA/the hotel for delivery.

Membership Sponsorship - $15,000
This high-visibility sponsorship is the premium package for the annual conference. Your logo will be printed on the conference bag provided to all attendees, offering exposure throughout—and continuing after—the event. This sponsorship also includes:
- Welcome at the New Member/First Time Attendee Orientation (Sponsor may provide and distribute TSSA-approved items at this session.)
- Prominent sign placement at New Member/First Time Attendee Orientation
- Recognition at the Membership Luncheon
- Full-page ad in the conference program
- Logo branding on the conference bag given to all attendees
- Sponsor may provide one branded item for placement inside the conference bag

Education Sponsorship - Exclusive $8,000
(Co-Sponsored $4,500)
Sponsor recognition during each of the concurrent (break-out) sessions offered during the conference. This high-visibility sponsorship includes:
- Company logo on the session room signs that list the presentations for the day (3-4 concurrent presentation rooms)
- Co-branded title slide at the beginning of all slide decks (used during the live presentation and the handouts)
Optional Add On: Branded gift to be placed on each attendee’s seat. We can work together to find the perfect item to fit your brand. (Sponsor may provide the item or we can order at an added cost to this sponsorship package.)

Name Badge Lanyard - $8,000
Your logo will be printed on the badge holder lanyard given to conference attendees. The sponsorship fee includes the cost for production of the lanyard.